
Project 3

Lucy Greenman

Part 1

Download the dataset charleston_ask.csv and import it into your PyCharm project workspace. Specify and train a model that designates the asking price as your target variable and beds, baths and area (in square feet) as your features. Train and test your target and features using a linear regression model.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
lin_reg = LinearRegression()
df = pd.read_csv('charleston_ask.csv')
X = np.array(df.iloc[:,1:4])
y = np.array(df.iloc[:,0])
def DoKFold(model, X, y, k, standardize=False, random_state=146):
    if standardize:
        from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler as SS
        ss = SS()

    kf = KFold(n_splits=k, shuffle=True, random_state=random_state)

    train_scores = []
    test_scores = []

    for idxTrain, idxTest in kf.split(X):
        Xtrain = X[idxTrain, :]
        Xtest = X[idxTest, :]
        ytrain = y[idxTrain]
        ytest = y[idxTest]

        if standardize:
            Xtrain = ss.fit_transform(Xtrain)
            Xtest = ss.transform(Xtest), ytrain)

        train_scores.append(model.score(Xtrain, ytrain))
        test_scores.append(model.score(Xtest, ytest))

    return train_scores, test_scores
train_scores, test_scores = DoKFold(lin_reg,X,y,10,False)

print('Training: ' + format(np.mean(train_scores), '.3f'))
print('Testing: ' + format(np.mean(test_scores), '.3f'))
Training: 0.020
Testing: -0.038

Describe how your model performed. What were the training and testing scores you produced? How many folds did you assign when partitioning your training and testing data? Interpret and assess your output.

The model performed very poorly. I used 10 folds, and the training set showed a correlation of 0.020, while the testing set showed a correlation of -0.038. Neither of these is a strong correlation at all, so the model is not going to be very useful. This could indicate that number of beds, number of baths, and square footage are just not great predictors of asking price of a house, but we can’t be sure of that just yet. Standardizing the data might help the model to have greater predictive power.

Part 2

Now standardize your features (again beds, baths and area) prior to training and testing with a linear regression model (also again with asking price as your target).

train_scores, test_scores = DoKFold(lin_reg,X,y,10,True)

print('Training: ' + format(np.mean(train_scores), '.3f'))
print('Testing: ' + format(np.mean(test_scores), '.3f'))
Training: 0.020
Testing: -0.038

Now how did your model perform? What were the training and testing scores you produced? How many folds did you assign when partitioning your training and testing data? Interpret and assess your output.

Even with the features standardized, the model still does not have training or testing scores at all close to 1. The training score for the standardized data was 0.020, and the testing score was -0.038, both unchanged from when the data was not standardized. I used 10 folds just like before, so any change in the training and testing scores (or lack thereof, in this case) is due to standardization. In other words, standardizing the data did not seem to improve the predictive power of the model. It sounds like our features might just not have very much explanatory power, but let’s try another model.

Part 3

Then train your dataset with the asking price as your target using a Ridge regression model.

a_range = np.linspace(0, 100, 100)
k = 10


for a in a_range:
    rid_reg = Ridge(alpha=a)
    train_scores,test_scores = DoKFold(rid_reg,X,y,k,standardize=False)

idx = np.argmax(avg_te_score)
print('Training score for this value: ' + format(avg_tr_score[idx],'.3f'))
print('Testing score for this value: ' + format(avg_te_score[idx], '.3f'))
Training score for this value: 0.019
Testing score for this value: -0.036
a_range = np.linspace(0, 100, 100)
k = 10


for a in a_range:
    rid_reg = Ridge(alpha=a)
    train_scores,test_scores = DoKFold(rid_reg,X,y,k,standardize=True)

idx = np.argmax(avg_te_score)
print('Training score for this value: ' + format(avg_tr_score[idx],'.3f'))
print('Testing score for this value: ' + format(avg_te_score[idx], '.3f'))
Training score for this value: 0.019
Testing score for this value: -0.034

Now how did your model perform? What were the training and testing scores you produced? Did you standardize the data? Interpret and assess your output.

I ran the regression twice, first non-standardized and then standardized. Neither model performed better than the linear regression, standardized or non-standardized. The non-standardized Ridge regression yielded a training score of 0.019 and a testing score of -0.036, while the standardized Ridge gave the same training score of 0.019 and a slightly higher testing score of -0.034. Again, 10 folds were used consistently, so the only change between these data and Parts 1 and 2 is the type of regression used. Overall, the Ridge regression does not seem to improve the predictive power of our model over the linear regression, no matter whether both or either has been standardized. It’s really sounding like our features (beds, baths, and square footage) just aren’t very well correlated with our target (asking price). Maybe they’re better correlated with a different target, say, the price that the house actually sold for?

Part 4

Next, go back, train and test each of the three previous model types/specifications, but this time use the dataset charleston_act.csv (actual sale prices). How did each of these three models perform after using the dataset that replaced asking price with the actual sale price? What were the training and testing scores you produced? Interpret and assess your output.

df2 = pd.read_csv('charleston_act.csv')
X = np.array(df2.iloc[:,1:4])
y = np.array(df2.iloc[:,0])

Non-standardized linear regression:

train_scores, test_scores = DoKFold(lin_reg,X,y,10,False)

print('Training: ' + format(np.mean(train_scores), '.3f'))
print('Testing: ' + format(np.mean(test_scores), '.3f'))
Training: 0.004
Testing: -0.062

Standardized linear regression:

train_scores, test_scores = DoKFold(lin_reg,X,y,10,True)

print('Training: ' + format(np.mean(train_scores), '.3f'))
print('Testing: ' + format(np.mean(test_scores), '.3f'))
Training: 0.004
Testing: -0.062

Non-standardized Ridge regression:

a_range = np.linspace(0, 100, 100)
k = 10


for a in a_range:
    rid_reg = Ridge(alpha=a)
    train_scores,test_scores = DoKFold(rid_reg,X,y,k,standardize=False)

idx = np.argmax(avg_te_score)
print('Training score for this value: ' + format(avg_tr_score[idx],'.3f'))
print('Testing score for this value: ' + format(avg_te_score[idx], '.3f'))
Training score for this value: 0.004
Testing score for this value: -0.056

Standardized Ridge regression:

a_range = np.linspace(0, 100, 100)
k = 10


for a in a_range:
    rid_reg = Ridge(alpha=a)
    train_scores,test_scores = DoKFold(rid_reg,X,y,k,standardize=True)

idx = np.argmax(avg_te_score)
print('Training score for this value: ' + format(avg_tr_score[idx],'.3f'))
print('Testing score for this value: ' + format(avg_te_score[idx], '.3f'))
Training score for this value: 0.004
Testing score for this value: -0.055

When I swapped out the asking price data for the actual price data, the predictive power of the model did not improve. The two linear regressions (both non-standardized and standardized) showed the same results: a training score of 0.004 and a testing score of -0.062. The two Ridge regressions (non-standardized and standardized) also showed quite similar results to each other: the non-standardized had a training score of 0.004 and a testing score of -0.056, while the standardized had a training score of 0.004 and a testing score of -0.055. This indicates that the features selected (number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, and square footage) do not predict the actual sale price of the house much better than they predict the asking price (in fact, training scores were worse with this target).

Part 5

Go back and also add the variables that indicate the zip code where each individual home is located within Charleston County, South Carolina.

X = np.array(df.iloc[:,1:])
y = np.array(df.iloc[:,0])

Train and test each of the three previous model types/specifications. What was the predictive power of each model? Interpret and assess your output.

Non-standardized linear regression with zip data:

train_scores, test_scores = DoKFold(lin_reg,X,y,10)

print('Training: ' + format(np.mean(train_scores), '.3f'))
print('Testing: ' + format(np.mean(test_scores), '.3f'))
Training: 0.281
Testing: 0.169

Standardized linear regression with zip data:

train_scores, test_scores = DoKFold(lin_reg,X,y,10,True)

print('Training: ' + format(np.mean(train_scores), '.3f'))
print('Testing: ' + format(np.mean(test_scores), '.3f'))
Training: 0.281
Testing: 0.169

Non-standardized Ridge regression with zip data:

k = 10


for a in a_range:
    rid_reg = Ridge(alpha=a)
    train_scores,test_scores = DoKFold(rid_reg,X,y,k,standardize=False)

idx = np.argmax(avg_te_score)
print('Training score for this value: ' + format(avg_tr_score[idx],'.3f'))
print('Testing score for this value: ' + format(avg_te_score[idx], '.3f'))
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=9.2426e-23): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=8.53266e-23): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=4.7919e-23): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=1.84921e-23): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=4.07107e-24): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=2.03196e-23): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=1.54022e-23): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=3.80067e-23): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,

Training score for this value: 0.275
Testing score for this value: 0.174

Standardized Ridge regression with zip data:

k = 10


for a in a_range:
    rid_reg = Ridge(alpha=a)
    train_scores,test_scores = DoKFold(rid_reg,X,y,k,standardize=True)

idx = np.argmax(avg_te_score)
print('Training score for this value: ' + format(avg_tr_score[idx],'.3f'))
print('Testing score for this value: ' + format(avg_te_score[idx], '.3f'))
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=6.38262e-17): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=2.22587e-17): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,

Training score for this value: 0.276
Testing score for this value: 0.193

Adding the zip code data drastically improved the training and testing scores across all models. The non-standardized and standardized linear regressions both gave identical results, a training score of 0.281 and a testing score of 0.169. These are both drastically improved (closer to 1, indicating a stronger correlation) over the prior values of 0.004 and -0.062. The non-standardized Ridge regression gave a training score of 0.275 and a testing score of 0.174, both an order of magnitude (or two!) closer to 1 than the previous values of 0.004 and -0.056. Finally, the standardized Ridge regression gave the highest scores yet: 0.276 for training and 0.193 for testing. The zip code data is clearly a much better predictor of asking price for a house than beds, baths, and square footage are, so adding it to our model improved both training and testing scores. This makes sense; houses of similar size and value tend to be grouped in neighborhoods, where they have the same zip code. Additionally, the Ridge regression made an improvement over the linear regression, and standardizing the Ridge gave an added boost, so our first few attempts were on the right track, we just didn’t have the right feature yet!

What happens if we use the actual sale price rather than the asking price, including the zip code data?

X = np.array(df2.iloc[:,1:])
y = np.array(df2.iloc[:,0])

Non-standardized linear regression with zip data, actual price:

train_scores, test_scores = DoKFold(lin_reg,X,y,10)

print('Training: ' + format(np.mean(train_scores), '.3f'))
print('Testing: ' + format(np.mean(test_scores), '.3f'))
Training: 0.339
Testing: 0.208

Standardized linear regression with zip data, actual price:

train_scores, test_scores = DoKFold(lin_reg,X,y,10,True)

print('Training: ' + format(np.mean(train_scores), '.3f'))
print('Testing: ' + format(np.mean(test_scores), '.3f'))
Training: 0.339
Testing: -1558100304765821919428608.000

Non-standardized Ridge regression with zip data, actual price:

k = 10


for a in a_range:
    rid_reg = Ridge(alpha=a)
    train_scores,test_scores = DoKFold(rid_reg,X,y,k,standardize=False)

idx = np.argmax(avg_te_score)
print('Training score for this value: ' + format(avg_tr_score[idx],'.3f'))
print('Testing score for this value: ' + format(avg_te_score[idx], '.3f'))
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=1.30406e-22): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=7.26045e-23): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=1.49675e-22): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=1.11675e-23): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=1.43588e-22): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=1.40718e-22): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=2.42658e-23): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=6.91709e-23): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,

Training score for this value: 0.332
Testing score for this value: 0.218

Standardized Ridge regression with zip data, actual price:

k = 10


for a in a_range:
    rid_reg = Ridge(alpha=a)
    train_scores,test_scores = DoKFold(rid_reg,X,y,k,standardize=True)

idx = np.argmax(avg_te_score)
print('Training score for this value: ' + format(avg_tr_score[idx],'.3f'))
print('Testing score for this value: ' + format(avg_te_score[idx], '.3f'))
/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ LinAlgWarning: Ill-conditioned matrix (rcond=8.10845e-17): result may not be accurate.
  return linalg.solve(A, Xy, sym_pos=True,

Training score for this value: 0.333
Testing score for this value: 0.219

The scores improve! The non-standardized linear regression has the highest testing score, 0.339, but its training score is slightly slower, 0.208. The standardized Ridge regression has the highest testing value, 0.219, with a training value of 0.333. The non-standardized Ridge regression is not far behind, with a training score of 0.332 and a testing score of 0.218. The standardized linear regression, though, has a training score of 0.339 and a testing score of…-1558100304765821919428608.000? It seems like there’s some sort of error affecting the testing data when it includes zip codes, but only when we run a standardized linear regression. What happens if we scale the features?

# basic scale charleston actual price
c_act = pd.read_csv('charleston_act.csv')
c_act[['prices_scale']] = c_act[['prices']]/100000 # prices
c_act[['sqft_scale']] = c_act[['sqft']]/1000 # prices
X = c_act.drop(["prices_scale","prices","sqft"],axis = 1)
y = c_act["prices_scale"]
X = X.to_numpy()
kf = KFold(n_splits = 10, shuffle=True)
for idxTrain,idxTest in kf.split(X):
    Xtrain = X[idxTrain,:]
    Xtest = X[idxTest,:]
    ytrain = y[idxTrain]
    ytest = y[idxTest],ytrain)
print('Training: ' + format(np.mean(train_scores), '.3f'))
print('Testing: ' + format(np.mean(test_scores), '.3f'))
Training: 0.139
Testing: -609720675156613645991936.000

Yikes, it doesn’t look like that fixed the issue. Let’s investigate what’s going on with those kfolds.

for idxTrain,idxTest in kf.split(X):
    Xtrain = X[idxTrain,:]
    Xtest = X[idxTest,:]
    ytrain = y[idxTrain]
    ytest = y[idxTest]
[[4.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    2.777]
 [3.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    2.782]
 [4.    4.    0.    ... 0.    0.    2.7  ]
 [4.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    2.146]
 [3.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.578]
 [3.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.834]]
0      8.870
9      2.840
36     3.700
81     3.995
82     3.620
625    2.150
627    5.150
628    5.650
647    5.500
652    3.800
Name: prices_scale, Length: 66, dtype: float64
[[1.    1.    0.    ... 0.    0.    0.647]
 [2.    1.    0.    ... 0.    0.    0.525]
 [2.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.025]
 [2.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    0.96 ]
 [4.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    2.158]
 [2.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.296]]
10     2.7500
17     6.0000
37     2.3000
39     1.9500
41     2.4990
617    3.5500
620    7.2000
637    5.6516
640    4.2000
656    9.4000
Name: prices_scale, Length: 66, dtype: float64
[[2.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    0.99 ]
 [2.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.036]
 [2.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.06 ]
 [4.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.48 ]
 [3.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.261]
 [3.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.308]]
4      2.20500
11     2.25000
13     2.33500
15     2.25000
30     3.70000
624    2.02000
639    0.10000
642    2.34000
650    4.77000
654    3.74815
Name: prices_scale, Length: 66, dtype: float64
[[4.    4.    0.    ... 0.    0.    2.7  ]
 [3.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.2  ]
 [2.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.187]
 [3.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.699]
 [3.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.169]
 [3.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.391]]
1      4.090
5      3.450
16     1.895
19     6.800
22     3.100
607    6.800
610    4.450
630    5.950
641    3.570
651    4.699
Name: prices_scale, Length: 66, dtype: float64
[[2.    1.    0.    ... 0.    0.    0.96 ]
 [3.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    2.175]
 [4.    4.    0.    ... 0.    0.    2.611]
 [3.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.81 ]
 [3.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.628]
 [3.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    2.44 ]]
14     2.3500
20     6.6500
21     7.0000
26     8.3000
28     6.1500
594    3.5399
605    4.0900
632    2.0200
638    3.5500
658    4.1500
Name: prices_scale, Length: 66, dtype: float64
[[2.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.025]
 [2.    1.    0.    ... 0.    0.    0.525]
 [5.    4.    0.    ... 0.    0.    3.75 ]
 [5.    4.    0.    ... 0.    0.    4.278]
 [4.    5.    0.    ... 0.    0.    3.826]
 [4.    4.    1.    ... 0.    0.    2.279]]
2      2.620
51     8.250
54     2.675
55     5.450
71     4.650
599    2.940
631    1.050
645    9.600
653    4.330
657    2.000
Name: prices_scale, Length: 66, dtype: float64
[[3.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    2.187]
 [3.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.84 ]
 [3.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.632]
 [4.    4.    0.    ... 0.    0.    2.625]
 [4.    4.    1.    ... 0.    0.    3.647]
 [3.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.828]]
3      3.9040
8      3.0000
12     3.1500
24     5.7200
34     2.7940
633    2.0600
635    5.8000
643    5.7000
648    2.4325
655    2.8700
Name: prices_scale, Length: 66, dtype: float64
[[3.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.635]
 [3.    1.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.08 ]
 [2.    1.    0.    ... 0.    0.    0.572]
 [5.    4.    0.    ... 0.    0.    2.721]
 [3.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.548]
 [1.    1.    0.    ... 0.    0.    0.504]]
6      3.8700
7      2.8100
18     6.0000
25     6.4000
29     4.1000
623    5.6500
626    2.4500
636    5.4164
644    8.1000
646    2.2500
Name: prices_scale, Length: 66, dtype: float64
[[3.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.44 ]
 [4.    4.    0.    ... 0.    0.    2.611]
 [3.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.152]
 [2.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.008]
 [1.    1.    0.    ... 0.    0.    0.777]
 [4.    4.    0.    ... 0.    0.    3.054]]
31     2.74900
57     4.65000
59     2.02225
64     5.30000
73     8.25000
615    3.76000
621    2.06000
634    3.09000
649    3.24000
659    5.99500
Name: prices_scale, Length: 66, dtype: float64
[[3.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.152]
 [3.    2.    0.    ... 1.    0.    2.187]
 [3.    2.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.632]
 [4.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.48 ]
 [5.    4.    0.    ... 0.    0.    4.278]
 [3.    3.    0.    ... 0.    0.    1.391]]
23     2.75000
38     2.30000
46     5.93362
50     1.65000
61     6.23500
600    1.50100
601    1.25000
609    5.55000
613    4.29000
618    5.55000
Name: prices_scale, Length: 66, dtype: float64

Well, the scaling did what it was supposed to; both the Xtest and ytest data are now on the same scale. But the training score did not improve. It could be that there’s a formatting error in the original dataframe, or that some zip code contained an error that only arises when we try to standardize it. For now, I’m just sticking with analysis of the asking price data, where this issue does not occur.

Part 6

Finally, consider the model that produced the best results. Would you estimate this model as being overfit or underfit? If you were working for Zillow as their chief data scientist, what action would you recommend in order to improve the predictive power of the model that produced your best results from the approximately 700 observations (716 asking / 660 actual)?

A model’s fitness is defined as its validity externally compared with internally. That is, how well the model fits the testing data compared with the training data. An overfit model has lower external validity (a lower testing score than training score), while an underfit model has lower internal validity (a lower training score than testing score). The model that produced the best results was the standardized Ridge regression including the zip code data, which had a training score of 0.276 and a testing score of 0.193. Because the training score exceeds the testing score, this model is overfit. Its predictive power could be improved by using additional data, so that a more representative range of values could be used in both training and testing. Adding additional features could also increase predictive power, just like adding the dimension of zip code data improved upon the initial regressions. Maybe including the name of the development in which a home is located would correlate well with its price, since developments are smaller than zip code areas and are usually fairly uniform in style and value. Proximity to schools could also have a bearing on price, as could the availability of parking, or proximity to a city center. The housing market at the time of sale could also have great bearing on both asking and sale price; when many homes are available, sellers may have to accept lower prices due to the competition they face. Overall, adding additional features and more data points to this analysis would likely yield the best results.